Christmas design gif

Christmas is a time to eat drink and be merry but is also a great way to touch base with your clients and drive brand engagement.  From unique Christmas card designs that are true to your brand to funny animated gifs that put a smile on your face – now is the time to put your thinking caps on and plan your seasonal marketing activity!

And that’s where Gosling come in!  We’ve been around the block and love creating festive visuals, the more challenging the brief the better! So in true Blue Peter Spirit! “Here’s some we made earlier!”

Last year we worked closely with our resident illustrators, Livi and Josh, to create these unique Christmassy animations. This charming gingerbread house is a traditional and much-loved Christmas favourite, whereas we’ve thought a little outside the box with Josh’s scientific snowflake.

We hope you like these Christmas GIFts from us to you!

Gingerbread house animated GIF, designed by Gosling

Our Snowflake themed creative was a hat tip to Boston our global medical supplies client.

Snowflake animated GIF, designed by Gosling


Josh’s seasonal stamp certainly got the stamp of approval from our team!

Christmas stamp animated gif, designed by Gosling

Our talented illustrator Livi created this unique family of Christmas Russian dolls which frankly is  nothing short of adorable!


Christmas Russian dolls, designed by Gosling

Please feel free to share the GIFs on social media and spread the seasonal joy. We’d also love to hear any feedback on our animations – tweet @goslingdesign and let us know your thoughts.

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