We can hardly contain our excitement about a certain upcoming festive holiday, so we’ve worked with our very talented Illustrators-in-Residence, Livi and Josh, to create some animated Christmas GIF(t)s (see what we did there) to get us all in the mood for Christmas.

Every year we like to do something a bit special for our Christmas communications, and this year it felt apt to go down the animation route. With Josh and Livi’s illustration skills now integrated into the team, we were well equipped to design some really nice animated GIFs. We’ve been planning these animations since October so it has been quite a long (sleigh) ride, but we’ve really enjoyed working collaboratively as a team and pulling out all the stops on our creativity.

We’ll be sharing the GIFs on our blog and on social media in the run up to Christmas, so here are the first two. Josh’s peaceful mountain scene with flying Santa is keeping us calm as Christmas edges closer, and Livi’s chatty robins are a pretty accurate likeness of our team of creative communicators.

We hope you like them!


Birds Christmas communication animated GIF, designed by Gosling

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