36 days of type GOSLING6

Annually 36 days of type invite Designers, Illustrators and Graphic Artists to get involved with their daily typographic or numeric challenges. Their Instagram provides a space for typographic exploration and experimental design. It celebrates the creativity of the participants and our collective ability to represent the same symbol from many different perspectives.

Typography is fundamental to our daily thought. As brand and communication designers we use type to position brands and products and to tell their stories as much as we use consideration of layout and messaging.

3 - gosling design - webWe were very pleased to be featured on the their Instagram feed. We had so much fun working together as a team, sharing ideas and sketching out different responses to the letterforms. Everybody contributed to the process, whether it be by discussing the beginnings of an idea or by rendering a finalised design.

g is for geometric136 days of type GOSLING G

This fun little side project allowed us to explore new ideas and exciting new areas of design like 3D rendering. Shout out to our designer, Hieran for his C4D skills! We loved seeing Hieran bring his chosen letters to life in 3-Dimensional form, with personality, humour and showing an emerging gift for creative 3D visualisation.

1 - gosling design - web1Lizard3

Josh animated the creatures within his pieces as well as supplying us with a still image. He added a familiar warmth to the illustrations. Weaving personality and charm into the characters and bringing them to life from within the image.

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Livi went for the more traditional approach. Using her beloved paintbrush and trusty pot of indian ink to create an intricate interpretation of the letterform.


We love how our 36 Days of Type contributions reflect the range of design, illustration and animation abilities we have in the studio – skills that we can offer to all our clients. We are proud to celebrate creativity in all its forms! We look forward to next year’s typographic challenge!

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